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Conversion Optimization

The website is live, as part of your digital marketing strategy. And then the process of conversion optimization begins. The website is well-ranked on Google, and advertising on social media channels and Google generates a lot of traffic. However, (quote) requests or orders are lagging behind. Does this sound familiar? Then it's time to start with conversion optimization. By continuously analyzing the data from your website and optimizing the sales funnel on the website, we ensure that we get the most out of your website and your visitors.

What is conversion optimization exactly?

The website is live, as part of your digital marketing strategy. And then the process of conversion optimization begins. The website is well-ranked on Google, and advertising on social media channels and Google generates a lot of traffic. However, the (quote) requests or orders are lagging behind. Does this sound familiar? Then it's time to start with conversion optimization. By continuously analyzing the data of your website and optimizing the sales funnel on the website, we ensure that we get the maximum out of your website and your visitors.

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How do we start conversion optimization

For every website, it is crucial to define clear key performance indicators. What are the goals, and what do you want to achieve with your website? What do you expect visitors to do? Based on these KPIs, you analyze visitor behavior using Google Analytics and/or Google Tag Manager. We visualize this data and KPIs in dashboards. Using this data, we formulate hypotheses that are then tested using techniques such as usability tests, Hotjar, and A/B testing. This helps us identify how to optimize conversion.


Need help with your conversion optimization?

We're here to work on optimizing conversion based on a partnership approach. After an initial assessment, our consultants will get to work, ensuring the optimization of your conversion. Since 1995, we have been specialists in conversion optimization. Feel free to contact us for an initial discussion.


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